Passion Peppered With Lots Of Fun

From left to right: Eileen, Bobby and Wellspring’s Food Service Director, Anne Stenfors

Integral to the success of Anne’s food service program are two members of her team – Eileen Mathews and Bobby Rose. Eileen and Bobby, who have been clients of Wellspring for years, volunteer their time and talent. They are both thrilled to be able to “give back” to Wellspring.

When the Food Service Program’s new kitchen was completed, Wellspring posted an opportunity for a cook to join the team. Bobby saw the post and immediately responded. In his words, “Wellspring had a kitchen without a cook, and I was a cook without a kitchen.”

Bobby became the resident chef at Wellspring. His credentials are excellent. He has worked in all aspects of the restaurant industry for the past 30+ years, and his passion and enthusiasm are contagious.

Eileen is an accomplished baker; however, she prefers the role of prep cook supporting Bobby. Bobby maintains that no one slices and dices like Eileen and she is a great culinary partner.

On Tuesdays, Anne lets Bobby know what has been delivered/donated to the kitchen and then asks him to magically Chef it up - which he does with help from Eileen. The meals are then made available to clients and lucky staff members on Wednesdays – highly anticipated and greatly appreciated. They typically will make 18-24 portions. Some of the big hits have been, chicken fajitas, pork fried rice, cheese ravioli with meat sauce and chicken parmesan. The prepared meals also accommodate clients that do not have access to a kitchen. They are portioned into containers that can be microwaved or popped into a toaster oven.

Anne, Bobby, and Eileen make a great team with a passion for what they do for the community and that passion is peppered with lots of fun and laughter!

Kathryn Walsh