Client Services

Our comprehensive, wrap-around approach is specifically designed to address all of the factors contributing to or hindering individuals’ paths to independence.

Our many programs and services reach people in many different ways and often intersect

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Community Outreach

Pat Martin |
781-925-3211 ex.112

Some of the services available through our Community Outreach program include assistance with:

DTA Department of Transitional Assistance

·   SNAP Food Stamps

· EAEDC Cash Assistance: Emergency Aid to the Elderly Disabled and Children

Fuel Assistance / Utility Discounts

·   South Shore Community Action

·   Salvation Army

· National Grid Discount Rate

·   Eversource Discount Rate

Housing Assistance


·   Neighbor Works

·   South Shore Community Action Housing

Collaboration with state and local agencies for resources and referrals

·   Mass Health (no MassHealth apps)

·   Social Security and Disability (no disability applications)




Pat Martin |
781-925-3211 x.112

Professional, on-site general counseling and domestic abuse counseling is available to individuals over the age of 18 years. A licensed social worker (LCSW) ensures a safe and confidential setting for those who may need personal counseling or help with domestic abuse issues.

While we do not provide medication services, we can refer clients to other appropriate sources for help. Wellspring regularly collaborates with various local service organizations, thus enabling us to provide helpful referrals for clients to appropriate outside agencies and providers.*

* We can assist those who seek counselling and connections to medication who have Mass Health Insurance. We are not able to make referrals to private counsellors or family therapists.



Elder Services

Margaret Mellon |
781-925-3211 x.113

Navigating local, state and/or federal services and benefits can be a daunting task for anyone. At Wellspring we offer specific services and assistance to South Shore residents who are aged 62 and over. With more than 20 years of experience assisting seniors, we provide expert assessment and assistance identifying and applying for benefits and assistance, such as:

·   Housing

·   Medicaid

·   Medicare

·   Prescriptions (Medicare Part D)

·   Social Security

·   Supplemental health insurance (MediGap)

·   Veterans’ benefits

Wellspring also collaborates with local and regional services, including local councils on aging and veterans’ agents to ensure our Elder Services clients receive the guidance and assistance they need and deserve.



food security & nutrition

Anne Stenfors |
781-925-3211 x122


Open Mondays*, Wednesdays & Fridays**
8:45am–12:00pm by appointment only.

*Transportation to and from Hull available on Mondays.

**Food Delivery available on Fridays.

Please contact Anne Stenfors at 781-925-3211 x122 to schedule an appointment

Delivery to the homebound can also be arranged. Please call to request a ride or delivery.

Wellspring Multi-Service Centers has many options to assist community members seeking food security assistance. 

Aunt Dot’s Kitchen at 814 Nantasket Ave is open to residents of Hull. We supply fresh and non-perishable food, as well as basic personal care items to those experiencing food insecurity through our volunteer guided, self-select, client-choice pantry. 

Our Mobile Kitchen brings our pantry directly to those who need it regardless of geographic location.

Clients visiting our Weymouth location will have access to emergency food if necessary.



Housing Help

Pat Martin |
781-925-3211 x.112

The ongoing lack of affordable housing on Boston’s South Shore inflicts financial hardship on many individuals and families. If you need help with housing, please reach out to us for help. We have an abundance of resources to recommend to any individuals specific needs.


Resources and Information

All housing related information is available by contacting Pat Martin, at or by calling 781-925-3211 x112. We will provide you the best resources we have to help find you the housing help you need.

Legal disclaimer

By participating in any aspect of this program, participants acknowledge Wellspring Board of Directors, employees, contract providers, partners, sponsors, entities are not liable and not responsible for verifying information, overseeing arrangements, contract formation or enforcement, or any/ all outcomes of participation whatsoever. All real estate advertised herein is subject to both state and Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, familial status, or national origin, genetic information, ancestry, children, marital status, public assistance recipiency, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.



Holiday Giving Program

To register for this program contact Pat Martin at 781-925-3211 x. 112

The holidays can be especially tough for those dealing with financial insecurity. In collaboration with area organizations, Wellspring is pleased to extend a hand ensuring those in need have the joyous and fulfilling holiday season they deserve.

There are two components to Wellspring’s Holiday Giving Program—helping parents provide holiday gifts to their children and making sure our local senior citizens receive holiday joy and assistance.

Wellspring provides local families with gifts and supplies for children, aged newborn to l8 years old. Each child receives a gift bag containing an assortment of festive and personal items, such as warm hats, gloves, socks and toiletries. While each child’s parent(s) receives a gift certificate, empowering them to shop for and select a coveted gift for their child.



Legal Advocacy

Kim Lovendale |
781-925-3211 x112

Wellspring employs a part-time attorney who provides expert legal aid and advocacy on a variety of legal issues, including:

  • Eviction and landlord/tenant law

  • Unemployment claims

  • Parental rights

  • Consumer protection

  • Credit and probate matters

  • Social security and social security disability

  • State and federal benefits

Please note Wellspring, and its attorney do not represent clients or accompany them to court.



Emergency Services

Diane Edson Fund

Wellspring created the Diane Edson Fund to raise the funds needed in order to be able to help individuals and families in crisis.

Far too many people in the community face discontinuation of vital services simply because they have encountered unexpected circumstances. 

While Wellspring’s comprehensive, wrap around approach to services is specifically designed to address all the factors contributing to and/or hindering individuals’ paths to independence, the Edson Fund allows for immediate assistance with the unexpected—fire, flood, broken furnace, etc.

100% of every donation made to the Edson Fund goes directly to the clients who qualify through our application and screening process. 

The Edson Fund is the grateful beneficiary of the Old Ship Church’s Thanksgiving Eve service, the Broad Cove Chorus & Unicorn Singers’ annual holiday concerts, as well as the supportive efforts of many other community groups. This generosity is instrumental in sustaining the Edson Fund so that it is available when it is needed most.




Ticket to Ride

We offer rides to and from Aunt Dot’s Kitchen (the Wellspring Food Pantry) to Hull residents on Monday and Wednesday mornings. Rides are also available for all students participating in our Community Learning Center programs.


Your investment in your communities goes a long way. Please consider making a gift to help Wellspring continue to provide resources and skills to those who need them. With your help, Better Begins Here.
